Establishing physically active habits in childhood is important to the development of a physically active lifestyle. When kids engage in regular exercise, they are more likely to continue exercising as adults.
- Experts recommend that young people engage in 60 minutes or more of enjoyable and different types of physical activity each day.
- From birth to age 5, this daily activity should include periods of structured and unstructured physical activity that promote the development of movement skills.
- For children ages 6 to 17, it is recommended that this daily activity be of moderate to vigorous intensity; be age-appropriate; and include aerobic (rhythmic movement of large muscles), muscle-strengthening (moving muscles against a resistance), and a bone-strengthening (producing impact force movement with ground) movements.
According to a survey of teachers, 100% said that recess is essential for young students’ mental and physical development. Schools are ideal settings for kids to achieve a significant portion of the recommended amount of daily physical activity.
Regular physical activity has numerous health benefits for adolescents:
Reduces risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes.
- Helps attain/maintain healthy weigh and assist in prevent obesity.
- Develops healthy bones, lean muscles.
- Lowers blood pressure & cholesterol.
- Improves cognitive skills and academic performance.
- Improves classroom conduct.
- Increases self-esteem.
- Reduces feelings of anxiety & depression.
A well-designed play space provides an important opportunity to address the needs of the kids and offers activities that motivate, engage, and challenge all children. Playground components should provide opportunities for everyone to engage in healthy risk-taking and offer challenge through a wide variety of play components and activities. Understanding that the choice of surfacing in this playground design can make or break the design’s functionality and visual appeal. At American Recycling Center, we understand that architects and owners seek quality materials that not only complement the design but also offer longevity and resilience against varying weather conditions.